Hot Gig Alert: Guardin at The Middle East (11/29)
Guardin is the is the stage name of Western New York-based singer/songwriter Nicholas Kerr. As just the latest in a large group of DIY musicians making music in their own bedrooms, guardin’s music has connected with millions of people online through sharing an unfiltered, self-aware, and at times all-consuming stream of observations and thoughts about the people and world rapidly revolving around him.
Blending a modern incarnation of alternative, emo, hip-hop and touching on the the vast depths of subject matter commonly associated with stigma: mental health, depression, suicidal thoughts, introversion, solitude, growing pains, heartbreak, and more, guardin aspires through his music to reach others, and let them know that they are not alone.
Guardin plays Sonia on Thursday, November 29th at 7 pm tickets start at $12 and are available HERE.