PHOTOS: The Cat Empire in Boston, MA 03.02.19

I must admit, from time to time, I had to remind myself to stop dancing and photograph the show. That’s how electric the sounds of The Cat Empire are; a girl who can hardly keep time had to dance in place as much as possible at the March 3rd show at Royale, Boston. For 20 years, the Australian ska/Latin/reggae/alternative (say that in one breath) group has been touring internationally with their heavily Latin-influenced funk music, and their newest album, Stolen Diamonds, has been the star of the 2019 tour, in addition to old favorites for some of us veteran fans like Two Shoes and The Chariot.
Among the medley of the brass section, keys, turntable, drums, are the classic Cat Empire words of wisdom which are commonly strewn about their lyrics in each album they’ve created. Going all the way, close your eyes and run,” Felix sings at us. “What’s said is said, what’s done is done,” the crowd sings back in understanding. Behind me, a couple dances in bliss, coming to see the band four years after their honeymoon where they saw The Cat Empire, which the band gave them a personal shout out to during the show. At the corners of Felix’s eyes were well-worn laugh lines, underscored by his and the entire ensembles laughter as they lead Royale into a night of sore feet and gleeful dance.
Photos: The Cat Empire at Royale in Boston, MA on 03.02.19: