PHOTOS: Airbourne, The Native Howl in Boston, MA (09.11.22)

If you happened to be strolling passed Paradise Rock Club on Sunday night and heard the loud music coming from inside, you might have thought for a hot second that you had traveled back in time to a time that AC/DC was still on the club circuit. Those sounds were coming from fellow Aussie rock band Airbourne who were putting on what can only be described as a vintage rock show. From tossing full cups of beer into the crowd, to playing solos while sitting on someone’s shoulders in the middle of the mosh pit, it was a call back to the days of seeing things at rock shows you’d speak of for days. Check out some visuals from the wild scene below, including some from self-proclaimed “thrashgrass” rockers The Native Howl.
Listen to Airbourne’s latest single “Boneshaker” – HERE.
Photos: Airbourne, The Native Howl at Paradise Rock Club in Boston, MA on September 11th, 2022: