INTERVIEW: Chelsea Cutler and Jeremy Zucker sit down for press conference to discuss brent iii

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INTERVIEW: Chelsea Cutler and Jeremy Zucker sit down for press conference to discuss brent iii

This past week, Connecticut Chelsea Cutler and Jeremy Zucker sat down with °1824 and media outlets like us to talk about their recent project, brent iii.

Together, Jeremy and Chelsea have released two projects that have made massive waves within the indie-pop genre, spawning the certified platinum hit, “you were good to me” from their 2019 EP, brent. The duo was able to continue their momentum as a songwriting force with their follow-up EP, brent ii, which features two songs that are now certified gold — “this is how you fall in love” and “emily.” Zucker and Cutler are set to release their first full length album as a pair, brent iii, on November 1st, which fans have already had an overwhelming response to. The first two singles off the album, “A-frame” and “black & white” have already received a combined 4.5 million streams on Spotify, cementing the pair’s chemistry as a team before kicking off their upcoming “Brent Forever” tour on November 15th.

The Writing Process Behind Songs from the Album

Chelsea and Jeremy open up about their writing process for the ninth track, “and the government too!”. Staying in an actual a-frame in Big Bear Lake, California, they could feel the “palpable magic” as they sat by the fireplace at sunset, says Chelsea. Born from an “honest conversation” about something going on in Jeremy’s personal life, the song talks about dealing with a long-distance relationship and the barriers that keep two people apart. In the lyrical process, Chelsea remembers Jeremy discussing the line “I would scream at the stars for keeping us apart” and her comically adding “…and the government too”. The two decided to incorporate the line and to make it the “less romantic” and less traditional title to the track. Chelsea and Jeremy felt the vulnerability and comfort of this moment, inspiring the feel of the song and the project itself.

The second track on the album, with over 4 million streams on Spotify, “A-frame”, was also written in the cabin. Chelsea and Jeremy agree that they loved this song from the “get-go”. Unfinished when their time in Bear County Lake came to an end, “A-frame” was revisited about a week before brent iii was due, according to Chelsea. Jeremy wanted to circle back on the track to finish writing the second half of it. The two worked remotely to record the song before the deadline and lucky for us, they came through!

The most popular song from the album, “black & white” seems to be a fan favorite for a reason. Jeremy describes the song as an appreciation for their fans, their faithfulness to them, and the excitement of being on tour. It “felt like the last piece of the puzzle”, wholesome and approachable, says Jeremy.

Overall, Chelsea states that she and Jeremy wanted brent iii to “feel like a cozy safe place for people…born out of us being friends and building a world that feels like friendship for other people”.

Favorites from brent

A track from their first album, “you were good to me”, was the first song the two wrote for the project and began the path to what brent is today, making it special, says Chelsea. Jeremy adds that it is “untraditional and beautiful” and that they may never make a song as good as that one. He also touches on how the second verse of “and the government too!” resonates with him in the way that we can imagine our problems in the present being solved in the future and reflecting back on them with lightheartedness and humor.

Collaborating as Close Friends

Longtime friends and collaborators, the artists spoke about what it is like to work with someone so close on a project and how it makes it all the more special.

Both agree that it was extremely important to be comfortable with one another through the process. Chelsea  mentions that working with a close friend can be “particularly challenging and beautiful” and that it makes you more aware of your criticism and differences in opinion so as to not hurt one another’s feelings. Vulnerability and honesty helped the two make the process run smoothly.

The two share a specific memory from their time writing “i miss you”, starting out with them getting crepes on the side of the road in ten-degree weather. Once back at the cabin, they put on a movie with the sound off, Jeremy sitting on the floor strumming a guitar and Chelsea sitting behind him. Jeremy describes them both as “zoned out, but locked in” as they sat, staring at the screen while writing the song and recording it on a cell phone. He adds that the beauty of working with a friend means that moments like this are those that get “attached to the songs that grow and live with us for a long time”.

During the course of the press conference, you could feel the connection between the two and that their relationship encompasses these memories, warmth, and emotions.

What’s Next? 

So is there potential for a brent iv? Jeremy comments that he would not want to take away from brent iii by focusing on the future and what could come. Both artists agree that they will always be part of one anothers careers in some way, whatever form that may take. They express that they are happy that “what brent is” has stayed true to them over its progression. Chelsea and Jeremy plan to continue working on their solo careers and other projects with the end of their tour nearing. Just know that they will “never say never” to something that feels right!

A huge thank you to Chelsea Cutler and Jeremy Zucker for inviting us  into their world of brent. If you haven’t yet, go take a listen to brent iii!


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